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A nearby places finder - Fast food restaurants plus travel attractions around you

4.2 ( 4432 ratings )
Путешествия Навигация
Разработчик Gil Shtrauchler
0.99 USD

A nearby places finder pro version is your personal local city guide and navigation (works all over the world).

This application allows you to quickly find out information about your surroundings including directions, maps, phone numbers, how to navigate there and more...

How many times have you had a need to find a Gas Station in the middle of a trip or to locate the nearest ATM in a city which you are new to? Find Near Me helps you to do this and much more in just a few clicks.

A nearby places quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest Bank, Bar, Gas Station, Hospital, Hotel, Movie Theatre, Restaurant, Supermarket, Theatre and Taxi.

A nearby places shows you a complete list of all the businesses in the category you have tapped on along with the distance from where you are.
For every listing you can choose to see its location on a Map, view the route from where you are, Call directly, get all information and more...
Fast, easy and accurate! your ideal companion.

Main Features:
- Automatically finds your current location and plots it on a map.
- Customize the application to include custom search terms.
- Find distance of searched locations from your current position.
- Use it on the go to search for places of interest.